West Milford Farm

$550 / 25 minute session / All hi-res digital images included
This is a new location for me so I do not have sample photos yet! West Milford Farm is a popular spot for family photos that is usually booked up in the fall. I was able to reserve 4 weeknights right at golden hour for my clients!
This location has an adorable greenhouse, rolling hills, and a beautiful oak tree that changes color. It should be fun and different! You can view the property here: https://www.westmilfordfarm.com/
7938 Ball Ground Road
Cumming, GA 30028
The dates are Oct 23-26th
Select your date and time slot below.
You will receive all the hi-res edited images to download, print, and enjoy. The exact amount varies per session but you can expect 30 images at minimum.
Non-refundable, you may sell your spot to another family.
*Session may be rescheduled due to sickness. Please try to give a 3 days notice so I can fill the empty time slot.
View my work at:
*Basic client agreement will be sent to each person who books, will need a signature.